

2.1 Service Engineer hereby agrees to render the Services to Client, directed by the Client, as described in this Agreement and its Annexes and Client agrees to pay Service Engineer the Fees required for the Services.

2.2 During the provision of the Services, Service Engineer hereby agrees to:

  • Cooperate with the Client for anything the Client may reasonably require;

  • Provide information and/or documentation relevant to the provision of Services as stated in Annexes to this Agreement. As a minimal requirements - Service Engineer's proprietary form Completion Report will be provided upon technical completion of Services;

  • Require any staff or agents Service Engineer to co-operate with the Client as the Client may need for effective performance of the Services.

2.3 During the provision of the Services, the Client hereby agrees to:

  • Cooperate with Service Engineer for anything the last may reasonably require;

  • Provide any information and/or documentation needed by the Service Engineer relevant to the provision of Services or payment for the provision of Services;

  • Require any staff or agents of the Client to co-operate with and assist the Service Engineer as the last may need;

  • Make available to the Service Engineer, without fee or cost, the access to any facilities, where actual services are deemed to be performed.

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